Language Policy for Outgoing Mobility

The language requirement for a successful mobility participation for students and staff of the Academy is an English language level of B2 or higher (excluding mobility to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro).

English language courses are part of the study programmes at the Academy. If the student’s grades in these courses are 8, 9 or 10 (C, B or A), this is considered as a confirmation that the student’s language skill is at least B2 level. Students applying for the mobility will receive a certificate from their English language lecturer.

Language Policy for Incoming Mobility

The language requirement for a successful mobility participation for students and staff coming to the Academy for Applied Studies Belgrade is an English language level of B2 or higher (excluding mobility from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro).

Serbian language

Certain lectures and exams at the Academy for the Applied Studies are available also in English language but you might want to learn Serbian as well during your stay in Belgrade. If you decide so, we can organize a course for you at some language center.

Before you arrive, you can start practising with the help from this online elementary Serbian course

Incoming students and staff are encouraged to continue learning Serbian by attending a special course for foreigners held at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade.