ACADEMY FOR APPLIED STUDIES BELGRADE (AASB) has brought together three well-renowned and career-oriented colleges in Serbia, committed to expanding the network of international partners worldwide and fostering mobility programs.

  • The College of Health Sciences,
  • The College of Tourism,
  • The College of Hotel Management.

Our efforts are directed towards innovating curricula and multidisciplinary approaches ensuring quality practice and encouraging continuity in professional development of both teaching staff and students. Thus, the Academy for applied studies Belgrade (AASB) aims at strengthening its project references of EU-funded and other relevant projects.

AASB is offering undergraduate and master studies to young people interested in starting a career in the fields of health sciences, tourism, hotel, restaurant and gastronomy management. The primary aim of AASB is to educate professionals with a competitive advantage in the labor market, and improve its study programs by adhering to the European standards and the latest achievements in teaching and learning, through cooperation and exchange of best practice with organizations in Europe and the world. The selection of partner institutions is made from the large number of institutions according to the study programs that are performed at our institution.

As science is not limited to places or areas, we find partnerships with various institutions around the world crucial resource for our development. However, most of our partners are from EU countries and the neighboring countries from the region.

The main goal for AASB to achieve by participating in the Erasmus Program is to develop further as an educational institution and gain greater visibility on the global education map. The means of achieving this goal is by broadening our partnership network, especially with prospective European partners, so as to enable students and staff via mobility to develop a better firsthand insight into educational systems and culture throughout Europe, thus contributing to promoting all-European cultural values, as well as its diversities. AASB strives to make a regular practice for our students and staff, as well as for incoming students and staff, to have an opportunity to perfect their knowledge and skills abroad. This kind of practice aims at perfecting mutual recognition of qualifications and learning periods abroad. Additionally, we plan to innovate and design new study programs, as well as life-long learning programs by following international best practices aware of the labor market needs. Furthermore, AASB will initiate, run and coordinate or collaborate in international projects, primarily dedicated to the promotion of education, research and advancement of professional knowledge and competencies, which will provide the opportunity for our teaching and non-teaching staff to work in the multicultural environment, to constantly develop their professional and academic skills and knowledge and contribute to the sustainable development of the economy and society.

International commitment is integral component of AASB Vision of Development. In line with the institutional policy, the Internationalization Strategy is being developed to define strategic importance, provide an internationalization chart and support delivery of the core aims. As defined by the Internationalization Strategy of the AASB, the long-term commitment of the ASSB is making connections globally with academic institutions, organisations, companies in order to develop and improve relevant vocational programs through the exchange of knowledge, professionals, resources and creativity.  Consequently, development goals include the following priorities:

  • Strengthening the academic position and international reputation of the ASSB;
  • Raising awareness on the importance of the international, intercultural cooperation and academic mobility of students, teaching and non-teaching staff;
  • Continuous improvement of teaching staff and study programs with regard to contemporary knowledge and skill requirements in the fields of medicine, tourism and hospitality;
  • Intensive exchange of knowledge, specific skills, creativity and innovative solutions through the mobility of students and teaching staff, specifically oriented at the European educational area.

AASB recognizes Erasmus+ programme as the main mechanism in achieving these goals. Therefore, AASB expects the participation in Erasmus will contribute in modernising our educational institution. In forthcoming period by participating in Erasmus + programme AASB aims at following:

  • fostering capacity for mobility process and internationalisation at AASB;
  • improving mobility process of students, teaching and non-teaching staff at AASB;
  • particulary enhancing capacity for incoming mobility at AASB;
  • particulary enhancing capacity for traineeship at AASB;
  • fostering capacity for participation in cooperation projects of AASB;
  • participation in projects and educational programmes at a regional and European level;
  • building and strengthening networks of institutions in the fields relevant for AASB within European framework (applied studies);
  • capacity-building for upgraded e-learning, digitalisation process and frequent use of online platforms, esp. in the European context;
  • striving towards excellence in teaching learning, more effective and efficient education through Erasmus experience;
  • modernising and innovating AASB curricula through Erasmus experience;
  • creating potential of employability through networking and Erasmus process;
  • spurring cross-cultural cooperation at a regional and European level;
  • exchange of innovative ideas, novel discoveries and expertise;
  • creating interdisciplinary learning programmes through international cooperation;
  • promoting social inclusion and sustainability.

AASB would like to take part in the: Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) and Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) and Erasmus Key Action 3 (KA3). The Internationalization Strategy of the AASB defines mobility and cooperation as a cornerstone of the AASB internationalization. Having this in mind AASB:

  • encourages the exchange and mobility of students, teaching and non-teaching staff within the Erasmus+ Programme, especially for individuals with fewer opportunities, with the view of exchanging knowledge, gaining experience, developing and implementing professional competences. AASB will provide necessary support, including linguistic preparation to mobility process of students and the staff as well as adequate incentives and awards to the staff active in implementing and promoting the Erasmus Programmes. The AASB will guarantee high quality in the organization of student mobility, whilst ensuring equal academic treatment and services to home and international students. We attempt to intensify incoming mobility and to bring to higher level the student mobility for internship. We stimulate outgoing students to spend a period of study abroad and gain international experience which will support their personal and professional development, enlarge their competencies and research capacities. For incoming students, we provide full individual support and mentorship, ensuring their integration into the school life. We also encourage staff mobility, both for teaching and training purposes, in order to assure constant comparison of teaching methods and further development of study programs in the international context.
  • is determined to improve and strengthen mobility capacities by participating in the ERASMUS + programs and through bilateral agreements with related institutions to forge relations that will promote mobility at international level;
  • strives to improve the existing cooperation, but also to extend and establish cooperation with higher education institutions, establishments and business organizations and international scientific and professional organizations in the region, Europe and the rest of the world in order to strengthen the educational, scientific, research and professional potential of students and employees;
  • intends to explore possibilities to launch joint courses – interdisciplinary study programs with international partners. This way, AASB will further enrich its academic offer for students. ASSB is dedicated to innovate and design new study programmes, as well as life-long learning programmes by following international best practices aware of the labour market needs. Joint study programs will represent significant international activity of the AASB. The synergy of different institutions is more than a mere collection of experiences, practices, traditions and methodological approaches which is why joint programs open significantly more space for experimentation and innovation. In a way, the multicultural platform of this kind of study is an academic challenge for an increasing number of students and teachers from the country, region, Europe and the rest of the world.
  • strives to create conditions for the involvement of as many teaching and non-teaching staff members as possible in international projects, thus providing them with the opportunity to work in the multicultural environment, to constantly develop their professional and academic skills and knowledge and contribute to the sustainable development of the economy and society
  • review the past mobility activities and international cooperation for further improvement of AASB international performance by adopting good practices and know-how acquired through interinstitutional cooperation, networking and participation in international and Erasmus projects.

Over 2021-2027 period the qualitative/quantitative indicators of AASB’s participation in the Erasmus+ Programme envisaged impact are the following:

  • increased incoming and outgoing mobility, both students and the staff
  • increased participation in KA2 cooperation projects
  • improved governance, coordination and organisation of HE units for Erasmus Programme
  • modernisation of curricula as a result of participation in Erasmus Programme activies
  • introduction of new courses and programmes through international cooperation in Erasmus
  • capacity-building for introducing novel, sophisticated, up-to-date technology for the Erasmus Programme such as Erasmus+ app
  • better visibility of AASB at a regional, i.e international level
  • recognition of the AASB’s educational process quality as a result

We have many bilateral agreements and we will continue to build new collaboration with international partners. When establishing partnerships with other higher education institutions AASB will take into account the educational system, the complementarity of curricula, the availability of courses and programs, staff’s common interests in research and teaching, existing partnerships, possibility for transfer credits, the necessary language skills, and the possibility to include the appropriate number of students and staff in the activities in order to achieve an exchange balance.

Currently, our focus is widely directed towards European collaboration: on the one hand, our goal is to reinforce connections within the Western Balkans, the South-East Europe and the Mediterranean, where common cultural and historical roots are strong; on the other hand, we are focused on building partnership with European regions which are remote to us or have different traditions. We are also determined to establish stronger global connections and look for partners in this direction, especially towards countries and regions where links have already been established through networks and other programs.


Prof. Slavoljub Vićić, PhD