Professional Nursery Nurse

VA2423 Nursing care in infectology and infectious diseases 5

Basic info

Study cycle: Undergraduate
Year: Second year
Status: Obligatory
Module: All
Semester: Summer
Language of instruction: Serbian




Acquiring knowledge in recognizing the symptoms and signs of infectious diseases and mastering the skills to be able to apply adequate help and measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
The student will gain knowledge and skills in specifics of health care against infectious diseases towards themselves, the patients and the wider community. The student will master the standards of infectious disease prevention in a group (isolation of the sick), in the family, conducting personal hygiene, hand hygiene, eating hygiene, conducting disinfection and sterilization, and proper infectious waste triage.

Course Description

Epidemiological characteristics and specificities of nursing care in infectiology. Prevention measures for the patient (Importance of recognizing symptoms and signs of infectious diseases, isolation and hospitalization measures, standards and organization of nursing activities in the prevention of intrahospital infections - triage and management of infectious waste, disinfection and sterilization, reporting of infectious diseases, immunization implementation and control of germ carriers). Measures towards the environment (implementation of strict isolation-quarantine, health surveillance of the patients and persons in contact, health education of patients and family). The importance of nursing interventions and the application of standards in confirming the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Specificities in the treatment and nutrition of patients with infectious diseases. Recognizing the symptoms and signs of disease and nursing care of patients with CNS infectious diseases, respiratory, intestinal infections, rash and other viral diseases (rabies, parotitis, hepatitis, mononucleosis, AIDS), nematodes, protozoal diseases and Lyme disease, and snakes bite.
Proper triage and isolation of patients with infectious diseases.Patient isolation and organization of quarantine.Preventing the occurrence and spread of intrahospital infections (proper triage, disposal and infectious waste transport, proper hand washing and use of disinfectants). Personal protection of healthcare workers during the health care. Immunization procedure.

Teaching methods

lectures, exercises, practical work, seminars, consultations, colloquiums


  1. М. Максимовић , Нега у инфектологији, Ауторско издање, Београд, 2016
  2. Д. Ножић , Заразне болести и епидемиологија, Ауторско издање, Београд, 2008
  3. З. Гледовић и сар., Епидемиологија, Медицински факултет, Београд, 2009
  4. М. Божић и сар., Заразна болест, Медицински факултет, Београд, 2013
  5. Д. Делић , Хронични вирусни хепатитис, Завод за уџбенике, Београд, 2012
  6. K. Macha, J. McDonough, Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Massachusetts, 2011
  7. D. Nizam , Manual of Infection Prevention and Control Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019

Classes per week

3 + 2

Grading (max. points 100)

Pre-exam Requirements Points
Attendance 10
Practice 10
Preliminary Test 30
Seminar 20
Final Exam Points
Written 0
Oral 30