Professional Nursery Nurse

VA2314 Methodology and organization of upbringing and education 7

Basic info

Study cycle: Undergraduate
Year: Second year
Status: Obligatory
Module: All
Semester: Winter
Language of instruction: Serbian




Acquaintance with theoretical knowledge about the law of work in educational institutions. Ownership of professional didactic-methodological terminology. Encouraging critical and creative mice to study and open up the front desk of the innovation desk in your educational work. Mastering strategies for using conditions and assisting children and families with learning and social studies.
Students will acquire methodical knowledge necessary for understanding, planning, execution and evaluation educate educational work. Apply their knowledge and skills in the evaluation of educational influence. It will be open to innovation in the educational process. Capable of implementing a strategy to support children and families in the learning and socialization process, maintaining pedagogical documentation and records.

Course Description

Theoretical teaching: Formative aspects (development of personality traits and attitudes, development of abilities and skills). Gaining knowledge and experience. Objectives of physical and sensory development. The objectives of socio-emotional development. Objectives of intellectual development. Education of children aged 6 to 12 months; 12 to 18 months; from 18 to 36 months of age (socio-emotional relations, game, motoric abilities, sensory- perceptual activities,musical and rhythmic activities, language activities). Methodical instructions related to the application of the general basics of the preschool program, the organization of the preschool institution, the structure of the premises, the regimen of the day, the upbringing of the education of children, the monitoring of children's development and progression. Programming, planning evaluations of the work of a professional nurse educator.
Structuring space, equipment and organization of teaching aids and materials. The regime of the day. Organization of children by educational groups. Organization of activities. Developing partnerships and cooperation with parents. Adaptation-child. Developing teamwork and collaboration of the professional nurse educator with the professional service and community.The role of the professional nursery nurse in educational work with children with disabilities. Training for record keeping and pedagogical documentation. Training for programming, planning and evaluation of the work of professional nurses educators.

Teaching methods

lectures, exercises, small group work, consultations.


  1. Ж. Крњаја, Л. Мишкељин, Од учења ка подучавању, АМГ, Сремска Митровица, 2006
  2. Г. Миаиловић , Схватања родитеља и васпитача о деци и одраслих у васпитном процесу, Зборник радова, европске димензије са реформама система образовања и васпитања, Филозофски факултет, Нови Сад, 2007

Classes per week

2 + 4

Grading (max. points 100)

Pre-exam Requirements Points
Attendance 10
Practice 10
Preliminary Test 30
Seminar 20
Final Exam Points
Written 0
Oral 30